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来源:https://www.31344.com 时间:2024-08-04 编辑:admin 手机版


[ 1 ] 贾斯汀·拉合尔; 鸡蛋裂缝不同住房,金融壳[J].华尔街日报,


[ 2 ] 查尔斯杜赫: 谁破坏了经济? [J].

马泽·琼斯: 2008年6月1日。

[ 3 ] 亚尔曼·奥纳兰:,有多严重是优混乱? [R].


[ 4 ] 本·伯南克: 次级抵押贷款市场模式[M].


sub-loan crisis, 次贷危机

financial supervision 金融监管

financial innovation 金融创新

financial globalization, 金融全球化



[1] Allen N Berger, Gregory F Udell. The Economics of Small Business Finance:The Role of Private Equity and Debt Markets in Financial Growth Cycle .Journal of Banking and Finance, 1998, (22) .

[2] Modigliani, F, and Miller, M. h. The cost of capital, corporate finance and the theory of investment .American Economic Review, 1958, (6) :261-297 .

[3] Mallick, R,&Chakrabotty, A. Credit gap in small business: Some New Evidence[J] .Working Paper from Econpapers. 2002, .

[4] OECD. A Framework for the Development and Financing of Dynamic Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Turkey .2005,7, (7) .

[5] Peterson, M,Rajan, R.G. The Benefits of firmcreditor relationship: Evidence from small business data .Journal of Finance, 1994, (49) :3-37 .

[6] SBA. White Paper of Small Business Administration(1998-2000) .the US Government Printing Office, .

[7] Kane,E.J. Accelerating inflation,technological innovation,and the decreasing effectiveness of banking regulation .The Journal of Finance36,355-367. 1981, .

[8] Goss D. Small Business and Society .Routledge. 1991, .

[9] Samuelson L. Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selec-tion[M] .1997, .

三、关于企业投资环境 外文参考文献

Investment climate around the world: Voices of the firms from the World Business Environment Survey

G Batra, D Kaufmann - 2003

The institutional environment for multinational investment

WJ Henisz - Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2000


